CATWEAZLE Thu 21 Nov 2019

Matt Sage MC Justine on door

Josh (guitar songs): 5 o'clock never comes/Bamboo
Abby (guitarlele songs): Let's get closer/I told you to be patient
Ed Pope: (poem) Glastonbury/(song) Dong with the luminous nose (Edward Lear)
Matt Sage (guitar songs): When you walk into the room/Give it all away
Phoebe Nicholson (poems): Oviraptor/Happiness
Matt Morton: (poem) Domestic/(harmonica) minor tune
Miss Shinamite: cake & Marie Antoinette
Alan Buckley (poem): Things can only get better/The Bell
Andrew: (guitar song) Transgression/(poem) Haircut
Olle (Instagram Olle & the Bear) (guitar song): All the Spanish poets
Lizzie (poems): Stand still/Phage
Jack (harmonica song): Special rider blues (Skip James)
Jader Pearl (song): Good love
Lucia (poem): The darkest part
Matt Sage (guitar song): Don't let the world go by

Created by Ed Pope on Nov. 30, 2019, 4:35 p.m.
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