CATWEAZLE Thu 5 May 2016

Matt Sage MC Catherine on door

Moogieman: Don't take it back (Disposable camera)/Skylab
Aranto (?): I don't like loneliness/Cry me a river (with Thomas on guitar)
Rosie: Step away from me
Simon Davies: Smile you precious thing/Waiting for the man
Dave Griffiths: Buying a mattress (true story)
Matt Sage: Song for Sam/Will you still stay with me tonight?
Lex (of Memento): Out of sight but not quite blind
ET: Jolly rumbelo. to welcome in the May-o
Ben Champion: Ginger cowboy/A little bit OCD
Neo Homeless Man: Tell her how he feels
Xander: Sticks & stones
Tiffany: Motherfucker/Tautologies of apologies/Literary puzzle
Hanry Blyth (piano) & Andrew Freidin (flute): impro
Paul Jackson (sitar): impro/Know who you are
Patti Dale: Veins of coal (Richie Stearns)
Matt Chanarin: No man is an island/Lucky life


Created by Ed Pope on Feb. 26, 2017, 4:17 p.m.
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