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Thu 5 Sep 2024
Matt Sage MC Sophie on door
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Matt Sage (guitar): Quantum Grace Ruth (poem): Collector of modern art Eve (piano): Drown in hay/I cry too much Sam of Verbeuder (guitar & percussion) Calling out piper story thy dann just the same Leanna (poems): Hestia/Satan to Icarus Josie Webber & Jim (cello & guitar): The cuckoo/Cruel slavery days Ellie (story): A birth begun? rebirth by shore Joe (prose): Baby on Scottish isle Rosie Caldicott (guitar): Could come home again/(with Ella) Something in the air will live INTERVAL Rowan (poems): My speech/Triumphant Ella (guitar, with Rosie): The line wheeling Mike (poems): Carrier bags/Trickle Ukesnaile (guitar): Hell is Bicester Village/Buckingham what matters to you? Laura Theis: (Q-chord) Pass it around/(poem) We weren't raised by wolves George Roberts (poems) I may have time to be born/Gitanes Adam (poem): Hopeful future Owen Collins (poems) St. Rock/Lost bollock Ed Pope (balalaika): Ancient song (Robin Williamson)
Thu 19 Sep 2024
Matt Sage MC, Sophie on door
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Matt Sage (guitar) Love comes easy/To my darling daughter Michael (song) Arms (Sam Remon?) Rachel (poem) Figures in a bath interior Nick (guitar) One clear day Tony Bicat (poem) Kafkaesque Tom (guitar) Winning/Much to discuss Queilan (poems) Liman/Corner in my brain Ed Pope (balalaika) Make it ourselves Ian (poems) This poor sod/Escape and I/On impact Libby (guitar) The girl who cried wolf (just a child)/Possible fat man (I'll listen down the lane) INTERVAL Alice (guitar) Armchair if they're in love/You should know by now Beth (poems) Postcard/Smile Rob Sykes (poem) Visiting the departed (Imber) Andrea (piano) instrumental x 2 Phoebe Nicholson (poem) Brat summer Adam (poems) Dragonflies/Delicate Ukesnaile (ukelele) Hairy house/I sit down to pee now Libby (poems) What have you learned/Go with me Simon Chambers (story) Mushroom wedding Laura Theis (poems) Faraway sibling/Harvest mother Ian (guitar) Bathhouse in Budapest/When my flares came down in the dark
Thu 3 Oct 2024
Matt Sage MC, Sophie on door
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Matt Sage (new guitar) instrumental doodle Jess (poem) Everyone who drives an Audi is a prat Cindy (guitar) No words to say/Closer Justin (poem) Counting to ten thousand Owen Collins (poems) BFG/Say it with Tim Flowers Andrea (piano) instrumental jazz Rowan (poems) Defeated by olives/The prick from calamo Mixaphon (poems) Hungry/Still hungry Ed Pope (balalaika) Sweetly as the swan/doodle INTERVAL James Bell (songs) My love has gone/Long life to the farmer Mark James (poems) Everyday/Ten centimetres Queena (poem) Chip shop Birdwatchers (song) Hearts that long for the land Carl Tomlinson (poem) Subfusc Zoë (poems) How to swim/Too much Hannah (guitar) To get your attention/Waiting and waiting George Roberts (poem) Grace O'Malley's cabin boy Alan Buckley (poems) Oxford Times last broadsheet/Cowley Road 3.30pm Tom (guitar) Pangeia/One star
Thu 17 Oct 2024
30th birthday, Matt Sage MC, Lara Fairylove on door
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Simon Chambers poem about Catweazle Tom (guitar) Won't you just look at me go Mandy Woods (banjo) Full moon over Vegas Libby (poem) about grief and lust Kate Mohideen, Clare, Sarah & ? (song) Hunter moon Kate Mohideen (poem) from 10th birthday Rowan (poem) Flora Clare Ewbank (poem) about her new baby Rosie Caldicott (guitar) No going back Beth (guitar) Close Tony & Zoë Bicat (each other's poems) The bird/Here Arthur (poem) Rope Carla (piano) Heaven Ed Pope (poem) To live at all (Mervyn Peake) INTERVAL Matt Chanarin (guitar) Home Rob Sykes (poem) Cat-echism James Bell (guitar) Find your people (Drew Holcomb & the Neighbours) Mark James (poem) Ireland Matt Sage (story) Irish journey Stephen Hancock (poem) Strung out Pete Bearder (poem) Mind manifesting mind Laura Theis (piano) Mid life crisis Owen Collins (poem) Catweazle collage Lara Fairylove (poem) Note to self, you know your trigger, deal with it/(ukelele) fuck v love Ian (guitar) Sexagenarian Alan Buckley (poems) Watchmakers/Some other absence Matt Sage (guitar) & Connor (piano) Who knows where the time goes? (Sandy Denny) Papa Nui (Matt Morton, Dom, Joel & ?) Full force, full love/Your love is like a diamond/Follow me
Thu 9 Jan 2025
Matt Sage MC Lara Fairylove on venue Slow & Steady
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Matt Sage guitar Into the mystic (Van Morrison) Tim guitar Godsong Kate Mohideen poem Catweazle came home Trevor Williams piano Dance again Paul poem A bullet of voice (wonderful world) Rob Sykes poems To absent friends/Landscaped landfill Femi & B guitar & flute True love song in ?Arabic Laura Theis poem Waking into another new year Max guitar My father's son Lloyd Augustus Mike song You;ve got to be happy Michael story Love in time for lunch Rowan poems Repetition of words/The man who needed a wee Steve Larkin story Lucy lefty righty tighty INTERVAL Tariq Bashir oudh Instrumental (1937) George Roberts poem Hill willow walk Adam poems Check curtains/Transform/Prison of the mind Ewan song Eric White Dinne Chris MacDhuin Lara Fairylove ukelele We are all as a wave is to the sea Andreas Beltzer story Fergus McIvor Carl Tomlinson poem Reunion Mark James poems WC/Willow trees Phoebe Nicholson poem Hide Alan Buckley poem Shell Ed Pope balalaika How come?
Thu 6 Feb 2025
Alan Buckley MC
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Thu 20 Feb 2025
Phoebe Nicholson MC Blue on door
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Birdwatchers (Kate M, Rabhya, Liz &3) Song thrush/Make you feel my love (Bob Dylan) Miranda piano At the station/All the things I don't remember Carl Tomlinson poems Soliloquy/Opening the first seed packets Sam guitar Separate lucky lives/Why did you have to send me that picture of you? Lorna Birchall poems Forgiveness in the Botley Road tunnel/Train ticket/The lift Matt Bradshaw guitar 64 slices of American cheese Jack & Michael (...shakers) harmonica & tenor sax Tied to the stripping pole/Sweet home Chicago (Robert Johnson) Alan Buckley poems The wave/Chasuble Jordanelles guitar & tabla A halloween song/Cool girl summer INTERVAL Owen Collins poems Seaside/Pigsoptimism Moogieman synth Submarine Elle Jay guitar Earth & moon/No place like home ? piano ? Anna & ? piano - in Greek ?Tom guitar "for my mum" - 3 instrumentals Adam song I became somebody loving you/poem Palm in hand Kate Mohideen guitar Cows with guns (Dana Lyons) Rowena & Zoe guitars Finger-heart/Take what you give